Battle Beast will play Tapahtumakeskus Tullisali in Oulu on Saturday 18 December 2021. The show was originally planned to take place at Oulun Energia Areena in March 2020, but has been rescheduled twice – and now moved to a different location. All previously purchased tickets are still valid for the show.
Arion and local Afterworld have been confirmed as support acts for the show. Get your tickets now at
Battle Beast in Finland 2021:
Wed 1.12. Kerubi, Joensuu
Thu 2.12. Kerubi, Joensuu
Sat 4.12. Saimaa Areena, Lappeenranta
Sun 5.12. Logomo, Turku
Fri 17.12. Rytmikorjaamo, Seinäjoki
Sat 18.12. Tullisali, Oulu